3rd – 6th Grade Students
January 17-19 - Depart Friday morning and return Sunday afternoon.
Cost: $275
Location: Forest Falls, CA
6 ABF Counselors
What your kids can expect?
A weekend of spiritual renewal, deeper friendships, and crazy amounts of fun!
Awesome Worship, Bible Teaching, Skits & Small Groups.
Outdoor Games, Climbing Wall, Gaga Ball, Extreme Night Games, Dance Parties, Crafts, Snow Tubing (weather permitting).
We will be joining several churches from the Cali area with over 200 kids attending.
Housing is in cabins with bunk beds and private bathrooms.
Our Agoura Bible Counselors will be staying in the cabins with our kids. (Background checks are required by all counselors.)
Required Health Screening Form must be completed for every camper and counselor prior to camp arrival.
Deadline for payment and registration is December 15.
Here is the camp’s website so you can check out the camp: www.foresthome.org
Questions to Adrienne at adrienne@agourabible.org.